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Case Studies

The following case studies describe just a few of the problems we have helped our clients solve. Each sales and management solution had a significant and measurable return on investment.


Ineffective sales leadership?


Client: Largest media and marketing organization serving the advertising specialty industry

Problem: Facing new competition, major upheaval was required; people were slow to adopt even
minimal changes


Insights: Despite massive reorganization efforts, people were getting mixed messages from management;
there were no negative consequences for poor performance; change was viewed as optional


Solution: Developed and facilitated 360° feedback process that included entire management group

Results: Several previously unknown issues surfaced; management took necessary quality control measures; desired changes started to take place immediately

Unable to handle change?


Client: Leading global business journal


Problem: Needed to replace salespeople; changes in media industry required new skill set


Insights: Client was struggling because there had never been a clear set of performance expectations; wasn’t sure how to identify performance standards that would assist them with hiring, developing and retaining good people


Solution: Developed a customized roadmap for hiring and developing account executives; a Success Profile that detailed the skills and practices new account executives would need immediately and well into the future; managers trained on how to use the Profile for professional development and for hiring

Results: Because the Success Profile is centered on development, not evaluation, able to remove the stigma often associated with competency analysis; managers appreciated how easy the tools were to use; still in use as core of hiring and development efforts

Inefficient sales process?


Client: Global distributor of electrical supplies to builders and contractors


Problem: Flat sales, eroding margins and dwindling market share


Insights: Perception gaps between management, sales team and customers; managers needed
to be much more “hands-on” in monitoring and coaching


Solution: Self-guided learning to train managers and reps on consistent, customer-focused sales
process; managers trained to implement new skills among their teams


Results: Overall sales revenues up 20% over the previous year; margins rose from 9% to 16%; overall profitability increased by $38 million; customers happier; those trained outperformed those who opted out

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